Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here we go again.....with a new twist

Well whatta ya know! Old Alex is back blogging again.

Over the years I've written on politics, religion, motorsports or whatever other nuggets of interest made their way from my warped mind. I unplugged from blogging a while back because it just became too much to keep up with. Most recently I was doing opinion pieces on various forms of motorsports and defending NASCAR for what it was (that was a hoot!) Doing a preview and recap of about 5 different series became a bit much. I wasn't enjoying it much, so I did what all respected folks in media do. I edited an overpriced season finale and killed it off.

Well, over the last 4 years or so my perspective on life has changed quite a bit. Taxes and children will do that to a man. I'm fundamentally the same, but I found myself yearning for a simpler life. I've always been fascinated with simple living and keeping things laid back. I was never able to do that until recently. Like most I graduated college (PROUD alumnus of Georgia Southern University) and began the pursuit of "things." Life was good! I had a wonderful wife, a nice home, three automobiles. I lived 10 minutes from the beach, 10 minutes from downtown Savannah and my wife and I were making a heap of money!

We decided to move to the country about the same time we found that were were expecting our first son. Over the next four years I began to discover two things. 1: God has a plan for me (though I'm not 100% clear on what it is yet, lol.) 2: Some of the happiest people in the world go home each day smelly and tired.

This blog will be about my journey to simplify life. To live below my means, to be the best husband I can, to raise two boys to become good citizens. Most importantly to do it all without stressing out and trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Can it be done? Heck yeah! Can I do it? Not sure. I hope you'll read along and find out. I'd welcome your comments, opinions and advice. This is a blog that I will truly enjoy even if it's not read by a single person.




  1. I haven't done one either since last summer. Maybe it's time for me to start again as well.

  2. I really enjoy this Alex. I'm gonna keep up with it! :)

  3. Alex...this is great! I, too, have always appreciated the more simple life. Maybe that's because it reminds me of my younger days and a time when everyone wasn't stressed all the time. Can't wait to read your blogs! Deb

  4. KISS! This is my first visit to Back er Down. Kudos!

  5. Thanks Christy! Hope you like it.
