It's been a busy last couple of weeks! I've traveled a lot with work lately, which put me behind at the office, which put me behind at home, which all together stressed me out a little. I spent some time in the evenings getting caught up. I tend to do a lot better when I don't have so many projects in process at one time. Today it's off to Atlanta for an event....not really a bad thing. I get to take in a Hawks game with some fellow alumni and friends. I'll be on the road quite a bit this Spring, but I still love waking up every morning and going to work.
Spring has sprung in Southeast GA. I still feel like there might be another heavy frost, but what the heck, I'm going to plant some snapbeans, corn and watermellons next Saturday. We planted potatoes about a week and a half ago. They've obviously not broken through the soil yet, but after digging up a sample they seem to be doing well so far. Today we'e getting some much needed rain, so I would expect them to be peeking through in ten days or so. Our sugarcane is popping out like mad! The stubble from last year and the new planting from last year's harvest are both about 6 inches out of the soil already. If we have a freeze at this point we may lose all of the cane.
I started a new tractor refurbishing project last week. As usual, my Dad is taking the lead. Every time we get into one of these projects I learn something new. He's a walking talking encyclopedia. The latest project is a Ford NAA that we are working on for the local Kiwanis Club of which I am a member. I am pleased that the club decided to keep the old tractor as opposed to buying a new one. Our fair is about agricultural heritage and I feel that it's only proper to have old tractors working on the grounds. This tractor will be used during the actual fair week too. It's days of hard work are behind it. It's new life is a nice leisurely task of hauling off trash during fair week, a suitable retirement job for such an ag icon as the NAA. After years of restoring John Deere and a few Farmall tractors, this will be our first Ford. I'm looking forward to it.
The talk of the tractor lends a nice segway into talking about some upcoming blog topics. I recently hit a little bout of writers block. I didn't really have anything to write about or I thought what I did have wouldn't really be of interest. I was in a little bit of a funk. I put a call out for suggestions and I got some beauties! The first will be a series documenting the the Ford tractor project. I figure that will be about a three or four part series including some of the neat things we found, the interesting engineering that was holding the old girl together and some pics of before, during and after the project. Other topics to be on the lookout for are: Today's Cartoons, Deciding on a Parental Automobile, How Much is Enough?, Being a Renaissance Man and Picking to Save Money. Of course I'll be documenting the garden over the season as well. Hope you'll take a peek as I bang these blogs out over the next month or so. If you're reading this and have ideas, please share them!
Y'all take it easy,
How to Throw a Playing Card
8 hours ago
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